Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust (NHIT) is responsible for making appointments to a number of committees, working groups and Boards that ensure Ngāti Hauā participation in decision- making that affects Ngāti Hauā.

In February 2013, NHIT were mandated by the Ngāti Hauā Hui ā Iwi forum to lead environmental issues on behalf of Ngāti Hauā; as a result, a number of appointments to existing committees were brought under the jurisdiction of NHIT. Some committees result directly from provisions of the Ngāti Hauā Claims Settlement Act and others are resultant of partnerships and relationships established post-settlement.

Expressions of Interest are currently being sought from Ngāti Hauā tribal members for representation on the following bodies:

Ruakura Inland Port Tangata Whenua Working Group (TWWG)

The TWWG is comprised of representatives from Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Wairere, Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and Ngāti Hauā who all hold mana whenua within the vicinity of the project. The key functions of the group are to provide advice, recommendations and support to the Ruakura development team with implementation of the recommendations in the Cultural Impact Assessment Reports, the Waikato-Tainui Environmental Plan policies and input into environmental and cultural mitigation.

Particular skills and competencies sought:
  • Ability to attend meetings as scheduled
  • Must represent the interests of Ngāti Hauā in a positive manner and develop/maintain effective working relationships
  • Report back to Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust all applicable information
  • An understanding of the work and scope of the committee/group and a commitment to its goals and objectives
  • Understand and adhere to the Terms of Reference/Constitution for the group or committee as well as the NHIT External Representation Policy

Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday, 29 October 2021
Please submit a CV and cover letter to


Ngāti Hauā Wetland Mauri Framework-2019

Manaaki Whenua –

Landcare Research formalised a research partnership with the Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust (NHMT), a Charitable Trust that leads environmental and restoration projects within the Ngāti Hauā rohe. A research plan was designed to co-develop a Wetland Mauri Framework to support wetland restoration within the Mangaonua and Mangaone Stream Catchment.

Wetlands are a key habitat and taonga for many iwi and hapū throughout the country, and of critical importance when exploring solutions for freshwater management. It was important for Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust to ensure the values and priorities of both the whānau of Waimakariri (Cambridge) and Te Iti o Hauā Marae (Tauwhare) guide the restoration process.

The project was funded and supported by the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, SSIF Resilient Wetlands Programme, and the Waikato River Authority.

Click Image to read Report Online

Ngāti Hauā Wetland Mauri Framework-20192019-11-18T09:04:38+13:00

Annual General Meeting 2019


Time: 10am
Date: Saturday 9th November 2019
Venue: Rukumoana Marae, 536 Morrinsville-Walton Rd


10am Meet at Rukumoana Marae for welcome and briefing
10.30am Bus departs for asset tour (Mangateparu Agri-tech Hub and Miro Tupu Ake Blueberry Orchard)
12.00pm Return to Rukumoana Marae for lunch
1.00pm AGM commences
1. Apologies
2. 2018 – 2019 Annual Report (including Annual Audited Accounts for the period ending 31 March 2019)
3. Approve the appointment of the Auditor for the 2019-2020 Financial Year
4. Approve Trustees Remuneration
5. 2019 – 2020 Annual Plan
6. General Business

Registration for the asset tour is essential so that we can book buses accordingly. Please register for the asset tour by phoning our office on (07) 889 5049 or via email to

Annual General Meeting 20192019-10-14T23:10:26+13:00

Ngāti Hauā Open Country Dairy Scholarship

We have partnered with Open Country Dairy Limited and have established a scholarship for Ngāti Hauā students. The Ngāti Hauā — Open Country Dairy Scholarship encourages students to pursue a career in Food Science, agribusiness, agricultural science or mechanical engineering or any other course of study considered to be relevant to the core business of Open Country Dairy Limited. The value of the scholarship is $10,000 for each year of study up
to a maximum of four years per student (up to the value of $40,000). Work Placement opportunity at either the Open Country Dairy Waharoa
processing plant or Head Office in Auckland is also available. Applications close 31 October 2019. All queries can be directed to our office either by phone (07) 889 5049 or email

Ngāti Hauā Open Country Dairy Scholarship2019-07-04T08:12:53+12:00

landscape construction course

We have partnered with Wintec to deliver courses for 16-40 year olds beginning with Landscape Construction starting in January 2019. This Level 3 course will teach you skills in the use of hand and power tools, planting, constructing timber landscape features, and laying concrete paths and paving.

Venue: Agri-tech Hub (former Mangateparu School),
799 Morrinsville-Tahuna Road, Mangateparu.
Course date: 30 Jan-27 June 2019, 4 days per week, 9am-3pm.
Contact Shelley Cox on 021 803 869 for more information.

landscape construction course2018-12-17T16:52:11+13:00

Annual General Meeting 2018


Time: 9.30am

Date: Sunday 23rd September 2018

Venue: Te Iti o Hauā Marae, 780 Tauwhare Road, TAUWHARE


9.30am                               Meet at Te Iti o Hauā Marae for welcome and briefing

10am                                  Bus departs for asset tour

12.30pm                              Return to Te Iti o Hauā Marae for lunch

1.30pm                               AGM commences

  1. Apologies
  2. 2017 – 2018 Annual Report (including Annual Audited Accounts for the period ending 31 March 2018)
  3. Approve the appointment of the Auditor for the 2018-2019 Financial Year
  4. Approve Trustees Remuneration
  5. 2018 – 2019 Annual Plan
  6. General Business

Registration for the asset tour is essential so that we can book buses accordingly. Please register for the asset tour by phoning our office on (07) 889 5049 or via email to

Annual General Meeting 20182018-08-30T19:58:11+12:00


Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust (NHIT) is responsible for making appointments to a number of committees, working groups and Boards that ensure Ngāti Hauā participation in decision-making that affects Ngāti Hauā.

In February 2013, NHIT were mandated by the Ngāti Hauā Hui ā Iwi forum to lead environmental issues on behalf of Ngāti Hauā; as a result, a number of appointments to existing committees were brought under the jurisdiction of NHIT. Some committees result directly from provisions of the Ngāti Hauā Claims Settlement Act and others are resultant of partnerships and relationships established post-settlement.

Expressions of Interest are currently being sought from Ngāti Hauā tribal members for representation on the following bodies:

Hamilton Section Waikato Expressway Tangata Whenua Working Group (TWWG)

The TWWG is comprised of representatives from Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Wairere, Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and Ngāti Hauā who all hold mana whenua within the vicinity of the Hamilton Section project. The TWWG members have been working collaboratively with NZTA since 2009 and collectively represent Waikato-Tainui on this project. The mandated and appointed representatives act as māngai for their respective hapu/iwi.

Their collective work is underpinned by an obligation to uphold the principles of kaitiakitanga over the natural and physical resources used to sustain whanau, hapu and iwi. The TWWG allows for tangata whenua and the NZTA to work together to achieve the goals for this project and allows the TWWG to actively advise the Transport Agency on cultural and environmental matters that are important to the TWWG.

Ruakura Inland Port Tangata Whenua Working Group (TWWG)

The TWWG is comprised of representatives from Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Wairere, Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and Ngāti Hauā who all hold mana whenua within the vicinity of the project.

The key functions of the group are to provide advice, recommendations and support to the Ruakura development team with implementation of the recommendations in the Cultural Impact Assessment Reports, the Waikato-Tainui Environmental Plan policies and input into environmental and cultural mitigation.

Cambridge to Piarere Tangata Whenua Working Group (TWWG)

The NZTA is undertaking a project to address the anticipated future issues with State Highway 1 (SH1) between the southern end of the Cambridge Section of the Waikato Expressway and the SH1/SH29 intersection at Piarere. The project lies in the tribal lands of the Iwi of Ngāti Hauā, Raukawa and Ngāti Koroki Kahukura.

The key functions of the group are to provide advice, cultural input and recommendations on environmental and cultural mitigation.

Particular Skills/Competencies Sought

  • Ability to attend meetings as scheduled
  • Must represent the interests of Ngāti Hauā in a positive manner and develop/maintain effective working relationships
  • Report back to Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust all applicable information
  • An understanding of the work and scope of the committee/group and a commitment to its goals and objectives
  • Understand and adhere to the Terms of Reference/Constitution for the group or committee as well as the NHIT External Representation Policy

Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday, 2 February 2018

Please submit a CV and cover letter to

For any queries, please contact Lisa Gardiner


Poukai 2018

Ngā Poukai mo te tau 2018

A list of all of the dates set for Poukai 2018 have been provided here for your information.

“Kua whakatūria e ahau tēnei kaupapa hei whāngai i te pouaru, te pani me te rawakore, he kuaha whānui kua puare ki te puna tangata me te puna kai”
 Kīngi Taawhiao

“I have instituted this gathering to feed the widowed, the bereaved and the destitute, it is a doorway that has been opened to the multitudes of people and the bounty of food”

This saying by King Taawhiao in 1884 started the Poukai at Whatiwhatihoe and later spread to 30 Poukai Marae around Tainui, Tauranga, Whakatane, Rotorua and Shannon. The first Poukai was held at Whatiwhatihoe in March 1885.

The Poukai is an annual series of visits by the Māori king to Kīngitanga marae around and beyond the Waikato region, a tradition that dates back to the 19th century.

Click on image to view and download or print.

Poukai 20182017-12-12T20:21:41+13:00

Report – Te Reo o Ngāti Hauā

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Kua hora te kahu wera o Hine-raumati, pūāwai mai ana ngā rau o te pōhutukawa.  Ko tōna rite, ko te pūāwaitanga o tā tātou kaupapa mō te reo o Ngāti Hauā.  He hua nō te rau ringaringa, he pua nō te rau aroha.  Tēnā uhia mai ō kanohi ki te rau o te aroha!

In October of this year, Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust was proud to host its first-ever Te Reo symposium ‘Kōkōia, e ara’ at Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha.  Over 250 people attended the symposium, which focussed on building knowledge of Te Reo in key areas such as whaikōrero, karanga, and mōteatea.  Surveys and discussions were also conducted at the symposium, to gather your ideas for a long-term Te Reo strategy for Ngāti Hauā.

The information gathered has been compiled into a report titledTonui Reo, Tōnui Tangata: A Flourishing Language, A Flourishing People’.  Towards a long-term Te Reo revitalisation approach for Ngāti Hauā.  A copy of this report has been attached for your perusal, click on image to open.

The purpose of the report is to help Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust, in conjunction with Te Ohu Reo o Ngāti Hauā, to develop a draft strategy in readiness for the annual Ngāti Hauā hui-ā-iwi in February.  Once completed, the strategy will be used to guide the Te Reo revitalisation efforts of the Trust in the long-term.

For more information about the report or the strategy, please contact Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust on 07 889 5049 or via e-mail

Kāti, noho ake rā i roto i ngā mihi.

Click on image to open
Report – Te Reo o Ngāti Hauā2017-12-06T19:30:26+13:00
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