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Ngati Haua news, stories and general updates
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST — Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust (NHIT) is responsible for making appointments to a number of committees, working groups and Boards that ensure Ngāti Hauā participation in decision- making that affects Ngāti Hauā.
He Kura Hāpai Kāheru
Rangatahi mā nau mai haere mai. He wānanga tikanga, reo, mau rākau!
Ngāti Hauā Wetland Mauri Framework-2019
Manaaki Whenua –Landcare Research formalised a research partnership with the Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust (NHMT), a Charitable Trust that leads environmental and restoration projects within [...]
Te Tumuakitanga
Te Tumuakitanga - Te Huinga Taniwha, 16 November 2019
Annual General Meeting 2019
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & ASSET TOUR Time: 10am Date: Saturday 9th November 2019 Venue: Rukumoana Marae, 536 Morrinsville-Walton Rd AGENDA [...]
Te Kura Reo ā-Iwi o Ngāti Hauā
As part of the language revitalisation strategy Hauā Reo Hauā Tangata, Ngāti Hauā is holding a Kura Reo over a period of four days from Sunday 29th September to Wednesday 2nd of October 2019.