Kura Reo ā-Iwi o Ngāti Hauā

As part of the language revitalisation strategy Hauā Reo Hauā Tangata, Ngāti Hauā is held a Kura Reo over a period of four days from 7th to 10th of October 2018.
As part of the language revitalisation strategy Hauā Reo Hauā Tangata, Ngāti Hauā is held a Kura Reo over a period of four days from 7th to 10th of October 2018.
A list of all of the dates set for Poukai 2018 have been provided here for your information.
“Kua whakatūria e ahau tēnei kaupapa hei whāngai i te pouaru, te pani me te rawakore, he kuaha whānui kua puare ki te puna tangata me te puna kai”
— Kīngi Taawhiao
“I have instituted this gathering to feed the widowed, the bereaved and the destitute, it is a doorway that has been opened to the multitudes of people and the bounty of food”
This saying by King Taawhiao in 1884 started the Poukai at Whatiwhatihoe and later spread to 30 Poukai Marae around Tainui, Tauranga, Whakatane, Rotorua and Shannon. The first Poukai was held at Whatiwhatihoe in March 1885.
The Poukai is an annual series of visits by the Māori king to Kīngitanga marae around and beyond the Waikato region, a tradition that dates back to the 19th century.
Kua hora te kahu wera o Hine-raumati, pūāwai mai ana ngā rau o te pōhutukawa. Ko tōna rite, ko te pūāwaitanga o tā tātou kaupapa mō te reo o Ngāti Hauā. He hua nō te rau ringaringa, he pua nō te rau aroha. Tēnā uhia mai ō kanohi ki te rau o te aroha!
In October of this year, Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust was proud to host its first-ever Te Reo symposium ‘Kōkōia, e ara’ at Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha. Over 250 people attended the symposium, which focussed on building knowledge of Te Reo in key areas such as whaikōrero, karanga, and mōteatea. Surveys and discussions were also conducted at the symposium, to gather your ideas for a long-term Te Reo strategy for Ngāti Hauā.
The information gathered has been compiled into a report titled ‘Tonui Reo, Tōnui Tangata: A Flourishing Language, A Flourishing People’. Towards a long-term Te Reo revitalisation approach for Ngāti Hauā. A copy of this report has been attached for your perusal, click on image to open.
The purpose of the report is to help Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust, in conjunction with Te Ohu Reo o Ngāti Hauā, to develop a draft strategy in readiness for the annual Ngāti Hauā hui-ā-iwi in February. Once completed, the strategy will be used to guide the Te Reo revitalisation efforts of the Trust in the long-term.
For more information about the report or the strategy, please contact Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust on 07 889 5049 or via e-mail admin@ngatihauaiwitrust.co.nz.
Kāti, noho ake rā i roto i ngā mihi.
Anei te pūrongo ā tau! Here is our Annual Report for 2017 to be presented at our Annual General Meeting on Sunday 24th September 2017, Waimakariri Marae starting at 1pm. Hard copies are available for collection from our office…view online by clicking on the Cover image or download here. Ngā mihi