Ngāti Hauā Wetland Mauri Framework-2019

Manaaki Whenua –

Landcare Research formalised a research partnership with the Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust (NHMT), a Charitable Trust that leads environmental and restoration projects within the Ngāti Hauā rohe. A research plan was designed to co-develop a Wetland Mauri Framework to support wetland restoration within the Mangaonua and Mangaone Stream Catchment.

Wetlands are a key habitat and taonga for many iwi and hapū throughout the country, and of critical importance when exploring solutions for freshwater management. It was important for Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust to ensure the values and priorities of both the whānau of Waimakariri (Cambridge) and Te Iti o Hauā Marae (Tauwhare) guide the restoration process.

The project was funded and supported by the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, SSIF Resilient Wetlands Programme, and the Waikato River Authority.

Click Image to read Report Online

Ngāti Hauā Wetland Mauri Framework-20192019-11-18T09:04:38+13:00

Annual General Meeting 2019


Time: 10am
Date: Saturday 9th November 2019
Venue: Rukumoana Marae, 536 Morrinsville-Walton Rd


10am Meet at Rukumoana Marae for welcome and briefing
10.30am Bus departs for asset tour (Mangateparu Agri-tech Hub and Miro Tupu Ake Blueberry Orchard)
12.00pm Return to Rukumoana Marae for lunch
1.00pm AGM commences
1. Apologies
2. 2018 – 2019 Annual Report (including Annual Audited Accounts for the period ending 31 March 2019)
3. Approve the appointment of the Auditor for the 2019-2020 Financial Year
4. Approve Trustees Remuneration
5. 2019 – 2020 Annual Plan
6. General Business

Registration for the asset tour is essential so that we can book buses accordingly. Please register for the asset tour by phoning our office on (07) 889 5049 or via email to

Annual General Meeting 20192024-11-14T08:06:35+13:00

Ngāti Hauā Open Country Dairy Scholarship

We have partnered with Open Country Dairy Limited and have established a scholarship for Ngāti Hauā students. The Ngāti Hauā — Open Country Dairy Scholarship encourages students to pursue a career in Food Science, agribusiness, agricultural science or mechanical engineering or any other course of study considered to be relevant to the core business of Open Country Dairy Limited. The value of the scholarship is $10,000 for each year of study up
to a maximum of four years per student (up to the value of $40,000). Work Placement opportunity at either the Open Country Dairy Waharoa
processing plant or Head Office in Auckland is also available. Applications close 31 October 2019. All queries can be directed to our office either by phone (07) 889 5049 or email

Ngāti Hauā Open Country Dairy Scholarship2019-07-04T08:12:53+12:00

Hāpaitia Te Reo

Te Kura Reo ā-Iwi o Ngāti Hauā

A special series of stories to showcase the community projects we invest in.

“Kia ūkaipō anō te reo i roto i ngā kāinga me ngā hapori o te waka o Tainui”

This month we’re in the Tainui rohe with Ngāti Hauā and their kaupapa, Hāpaitia Te Reo.

The wānanga focused on creating families and communities of Te Reo Māori speakers and provided an opportunity for participants to hear directly from Māori language champions.

“Hauā Reo, Hauā Tangata”

Hāpaitia Te Reo2020-06-21T17:04:44+12:00
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