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Ngati Haua news, stories and general updates
Annual General Meeting 2019
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & ASSET TOUR Time: 10am Date: Saturday 9th November 2019 Venue: Rukumoana Marae, 536 Morrinsville-Walton Rd AGENDA [...]
Te Kura Reo ā-Iwi o Ngāti Hauā
As part of the language revitalisation strategy Hauā Reo Hauā Tangata, Ngāti Hauā is holding a Kura Reo over a period of four days from Sunday 29th September to Wednesday 2nd of October 2019.
Ngāti Hauā Open Country Dairy Scholarship
We have partnered with Open Country Dairy Limited and have established a scholarship for Ngāti Hauā students. The Ngāti Hauā — Open Country Dairy Scholarship [...]
Waiata with Hauā
Waiata with Hauā every two months
Te Pae Haumako
He wānanga rangatahi a Te Pae Haumako e aro katoa ana ki te reo Māori, ko te reo Māori te kaikawe i tēnei wānanga, ko te huarahi whakakōrero i te rangatahi ko Ngā Toi Māori. 10th – 13th Hōngongoi
Hāpaitia Te Reo
Support parents to kōrero Māori with their tamariki - assist whānau in creating language plans and strategies - create families and communities of Te Reo Māori speakers - provide an opportunity for participants to hear directly from Māori language champions