Outcome of Trustee Elections – Raungaiti Marae & Kai a Te Mata Marae

Trustee Elections were held at hui aa marae held on Monday 12th September 2016, with Mananui Te Uira appointed as Trustee for Kai a Te Mata and Rangitionga Kaukau reappointed as Trustee for Raungaiti Marae.

Ngaa mihi nui ki aa kooruaresults

Outcome of Trustee Elections – Raungaiti Marae & Kai a Te Mata Marae2017-08-23T01:53:44+12:00

Annual Report 2016

Ngati Haua Iwi Trust Annual Report 2016

Anei te puurongo aa tau! here is our Annual Report for 2016, presented at our Annual General Meeting on Sunday 25th September 2016, Raungaiti Marae starting at 2pm. Hard copies are available for collection from our office…view online by clicking on the Cover image or download here. Ngaa mihi

2016 Annual Report
Annual Report 20162017-08-25T21:37:29+12:00

AGM 2016

Notice is hereby given that the 2016 annual general meeting of Ngati Haua Iwi Trust will be held at Raungaiti Marae, State Highway 27, Waharoa on Sunday 25th September 2016 at 2pm for the following purposes:

  1. To receive the report on the operations of the Ngati Haua Group;
  2. To present the Annual Report and duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements;
  3. To present the proposed Annual Plan;
  4. To approve the appointment of the auditor for the next Income Year;
  5. To approve the Trustees remuneration;
  6. To receive an overview of the Draft Strategic Framework 2016-2026
  7. To discuss any other General Business matters.

Copies of information to be laid before the meeting may be collected from the Ngati Haua Iwi Trust Office, 19a Allen St, Morrinsville from Tuesday 20th September 2016 or viewed online at www.ngatihauaiwitrust.co.nz

Queries to be directed to our office (07) 889 5049

AGM 20162016-09-19T17:05:09+12:00
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